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Sustainability &
ESG Insights

 Investor needs, ESG data and ratings, disclosure requirements, sustainability preferences.  Stay up to date.

ESG in asset management

Tectonic shift and green divide

Sustainability in banking and asset management - ignored for too long, then hyped as a buzzword and finally feared as a bureaucratic monster. As an ESG Passionate, I would like to help you to recognize and live sustainability as a strategic success factor. It is not enough to implement regulatory requirements according to the minimum principle. If you ar not offering financial instruments that make a real contribution to achieving the EU environmental goals, you will lose investors (sustainability preferences according to MiFID II). And if you are offering sustainable investments, yoi will be measured against very high standards and will need to make immense efforts to meet these standards (SFDR). But hey, after all, it's about nothing less than the future of all of us.  

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